Crystal Illusions:
Elion: "I found the music very different, but by the end, I was on the verge of tears, I really enjoyed
it, and who you portrayed, great job!"
Kris: "I loved the uniqueness of this vid and the cleverness you showed by using clips from the
movie and molding them to fit your needs. I thought you demonstrated excellence in creative vidding which is why Jupiter
is my pick for this round!"
Obsessive24: "Clip choice is consistently gorgeous in this vid, and the colouring really made for a beautiful
mood. The AU setting is extremely convincing and I loved the time taken in using atmospheric shots, such as the sequence at
Txlsplash: "The scene is set beautifully in this video, and the clips flow together in a very coherent
way. There are some lovely shots throughout the video, such as the flowers at 1:43 which really add to the story."